Romeo Echo Sierra Papa Echo Charlie Tango
Dedicated in honor and memory of all veterans near and far who serve, and have served, in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, often facing a resolute and brutal enemy to preserve America's freedom. Their loyalty and service during times of war and peace define the character of our great nation, and a grateful community remembers and appreciates their duty, courage, and personal sacrifices to defend and preserve our freedom.
Lest we forget
Let us always be mindful of the sacrifices made to protect and preserve our country.
Transmitting To Posterity a Grateful Remembrance of Patriotic Conduct Enterprise & Perseverance
STEADYFRIENDTM is a global communications organization specializing in American messaging. We serve as an American Public Relations Consulting Firm representing the history of the American Brand defensively.
We promote interaction with Our Country's past and history, consequently representing the service, sacrifice, ultimate sacrifice, of our U.S. Servicemembers and Veterans with a special attention paid to those without a voice or physical presence - those who gave their "last full measure" in the name of the American Brand and it's provided Freedom.
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Member
Our Freedom. Their Sacrifice.
Wealth Management
Today's American enjoys an accumulated wealth - Our Freedom - earned by others since the First Oath of Enlistment on 14 June 1775 and in fact, even before that going back to 13 December 1636 with the formation of the first militia regiments organized in Massachusetts - Our National Guard today.
As Free Americans - as we live out our life stories - we have an ongoing responsibility - individually, collectively, perpetually - to always honor and remember those who have provided the very ink to write life stories in the first place.
Strategic Communication
“Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”
General Richard Montgomery
"The Major General Schuyler Cambridge January 17th, 1776
Dear Sir;
I received your favor of the 13th, inst' with its enclosures & am heartily sorry & most sincerely console with you upon the fall of the brave & worthy Montgomery & those gallant officers & men who have experienced a like fate. In the death of this gentleman America has sustained a heavy loss having approved himself a steady friend to her rights & of ability to render her the most essential service.
George Washington"