Montgomery Township, New Jersey
Montgomery Veterans Park
Once a part of Leni Lenape Indian lands, later as a rural farmland during the colonial times and intertwined in the annals of Revolutionary War History, this 32.26 square miles of land called Montgomery Township was named after General Richard Montgomery.
Steady Friend
"The Major General Philip Schuyler
18 January 1776
Dear Sir;
I received your favor of the 13th, inst' with its enclosures & am heartily sorry & most sincerely console with you upon the fall of the brave & worthy Montgomery & those gallant officers & men who have experienced a like fate. In the death of this gentleman America has sustained a heavy loss having approved himself a steady friend to her rights & of ability to render her the most essential service.
George Washington"
Inception. A family affair.
Montgomery Township, NJ
In October of 2011, we joined the Community Effort already in place to establish a local Veterans Memorial - something years in the making by many dedicated fellow Veterans and Residents. It all started with a phone call to the effort's leader, Hugh Dyer.
The Montgomery Veterans Memorial was dedicated on Veterans Day - 11.11.11.
Being part of the subsequent Veterans Memorial Committee thereafter - we would make rather spectacular strides - be a part of the wonderful growth of the Memorial - growth far beyond "Veterans Day" and the physical structure itself - all the while working with the local community, churches, schools, and numerous dedicated Veteran Service Organizations.
In 2017 - Veteran, Memorial supporter, and resident, William Lubas shared a report that was released and among other most-disturbing facts and revelations - the article was centered around the following statement:
"The U.S. Military has grown increasingly distinct from the population as a whole: a part of society, but also apart from it."
The same article went on to report -
"A survey conducted last spring showed 49 percent of young adults ages 17 to 35 couldn’t name the four largest branches of service. Only 17 percent could get all five to include the Coast Guard. In the same Military Ad Tracking Reserve Study, 60 percent of young adults said they’re not at all knowledgeable about the military."
We immediately refined our efforts ahead for the sole purpose of helping others everywhere - to help CLOSE THE GAP in their communities as our firm position was that our U.S. Military - our U.S. Servicemembers, Veterans, Their Families - were not, are not, and will never be, a separate class of people.
This included rebuilding the nearby 9/11 Memorial which had deteriorated significantly since its creation in 2002.
Having been very active supporting veterans in our local community since 2011 - On New Year's Eve 2017, we made the decision to bring the experience elsewhere - to others - in their communities - all the while educating the public - locally and otherwise - about General Richard Montgomery - our very namesake.
In 2018 - We formally created STEADYFRIEND.US, LLC - a concept on our minds since the early morning hours of November 11th, 2011, as we helped raise the American and POW/MIA Flags for the very first time in preparation for the day's celebration and dedication - such reinforced in everything thereafter - here within.
We simultaneously committed ourselves to learning more about our U.S. Servicemembers that were last seen as POW - Prisoners-Of-War, last declared MIA - Missing-In-Action, and advancing, including, all that we know ahead about them and the POW/MIA issue as a whole - in everything we do.
Today - Our Subsequent Workload as we see it - is the Workload Of, By, And For, All Americans...